Speed Test

My Telstra App


The My Telstra Speed Test was introduced to give users a snapshot of their network speed and signal status. Though it may not sound like a unique offering at first, the Speed Test went above and beyond the competition, introducing a detailed breakdown of results and a range of helpful tips.

Based on the results of the Speed Test, users were funneled into the appropriate network troubleshooting flows, increasing customer engagement and reducing the pressure on Telstra’s customer service team.




UI Design
Native Design

Speed dial animation

In AfterEffects, I designed and exported a Lottie file that progressed a trim path stroke from 0% to 100% over 450f with no easing. The devs then took this .json code and created a formula, matching the live data from the API to the numbers on the outside of the dial.
As you can see, the numbers on the outside aren’t restricted to 0 to 20+. For example, 5mbps is 50% of the trim path. I created an Excel doc with my own data to test the positioning of the trim path, and the live data was exactly the same. Very satisfying.

Entry points & Launch

Get help and Services tabs.

Speed Test

Lottie animation for Download, Upload, and Historical speeds.

Results Breakdown

Highlight results and explain how the user can make the most of their speed.

Tips and tricks

Highlight some common issues and how to resolve them.


Given the many moving parts of this build, reaching accessibility compliance required some creative problem-solving. 

This speed dial animation is a Lottie file, and we needed to position the text on top of the Lottie file so that the text can scale. ‍However, from previous user testing, we knew that live data can be extremely confusing for screen reader users. As the dial’s reading stabilises, it quickly cycles through a range of digits. For screen reader users, this can often become an indecipherable list of rapidly-changing numbers.

To avoid this confusion, we introduced an announcement that the test is in progress, and then another when the results have stabilised. We also added a vibration upon completion to help with comprehension.

Default size

AX1 (common large size)

AX5 (max size)


I’m a jack of all trades, and a master of some.
Here are my recent areas of focus.

UI Design

I’ve been designing for responsive web, iOS and Android for over 7 years. Put simply; I love UI.


From doodling in the margins to illustrating key visuals, I’m pretty handy with a pencil and pad.


I consider accessibility from the beginning of a customer journey to the very end, making sure every single page works for every single person.